When making a purchase people usually try to find a perfect balance between price and quality. As difficult as it may often be, we will help you find the longest-lasting battery, educate on what you should and should not focus on when making the purchase. Car Battery Brands There are so many car battery brands. You can find a variety of car batteries in Brisbane by walking into stores like Supercheap and get brands such as Marshall or Century Batteries. At Best Batteries, we offer the best prices with the most optimal battery for your vehicle and also bring them to your door. So the question has to be asked, is it worth buying a well-known brand and pay the extra buck or should you look for car batteries of a lower cost? Our answer is simple – it is not about the brand, it is all about the parameters of a product. For example, Century Batteries are advertising as the best battery for the Australian market just because they are made in Australia. And that is very untrue because th...